
Our nameless protagonist, sometimes known as The Stranger and often just called a bitch, dumbass or various other demeaning names by Aurora; is a 6'9 amnesiac ball of anxiety. Despite their extremely tall stature, they will try to avoid any sort of interaction when in a public place. Even when in the presence of only their girlfriend, they will often have a nervous demeanor, sometimes falling over their words. As essentially a fugitive from the future, they are forced to avoid any sort of authority or situation where they would have to officially identify themselves, often hiding out in Aurora's apartment in the rougher part of the city.

Due to becoming a demon after their deal with Death, they have various powers, some of which they only learn of after accidentally using them. A major component of being a demon is shapeshifting, and they use this to retain their human appearance, as their default form is now that of a monsterous demon. However, they will partially shapeshift back into this form in battle, taking on the horns, tail and large clawed arms for the tactical advantage they provide. They are also able to shapeshift into other things, such as other people, in order to take on disguises. Another power of theirs is the power to form portals, which they use to get to places they need to be quickly. Around their neck sits a pentagram medallion which contains their soul, and, despite their best efforts, cannot be rid of.


An extroverted beacon of mystery, Aurora is often the one leading conversation with the wider world. This, combined with her inquisitive nature, has often led her to trouble - and sometimes, it just happens to find her. After a strange, giant lass bursts into her apartment without warning, she finds herself (mostly unwillingly) drawn into a race against time to save the world with her new shapeshifting demon roommate. She often finds herself covering for them, with their nervous demeanour contrasting her own outgoing self, and her ability to conjure excuses explaining the otherwise unexplainable has saved the two on many occassions.

Around her part of town, discussion has long teetered on about her long, eye-covering fringe. She says it's just a stylistic choice, but the more conspiracy-ladden folk like to say with how protective she is of what lies behind, it's to hide something...
